Beginning your integration

What is integration?

Integration is the synthesis of your insights from your psychedelic journey. In other words, it is how you make sense and meaning out of your experience. As you integrate more and more, you will find that you will come up with actions you can take as a direct result of your learnings. However, it takes time and we recommend you give yourself the space without judgment or pressure to figure out what these actions are.

Notably, we recommend avoiding drastic life decisions immediately after sessions. There are many examples of people who feel strongly they should quit their job or divorce their spouse because of an insight they had in their session. However, these are big, meaningful life decisions and we would urge you to thoroughly consider them before making them final. Talk these insights and decisions through with your Curio coach or therapist. It may be the right decision after all, but certainly not one to take lightly.

How does integration happen?

You can integrate in an infinite number of ways. At the most basic, integration is done by talking with your Curio coach or therapist. The immediate days after a psychedelic session are rich with neuroplasticity (brain connection growth) and insights, so we encourage you to talk about your thoughts with non-judgmental people you trust. You can join an integration circle, which is available through Curio and some psychedelic networks online.

You can also integrate through other methods of expression. Writing is another way - whether through journaling or poetry-writing. You may choose to write letters to yourself or loved ones, although you do not need to feel pressured to send what you write. Also writing stories can be a creative way to integrate your insights. Creation of art and/or music is also another beautiful method of integration. Dance or other bodily movement can also help you express yourself and help you connect with the thoughts that have come to you through your session.

How long is integration?

Integration is vaguely defined as taking place after a psychedelic experience, and may last for months after a single session. You will likely find that the more powerful the experience, the longer the integration. This is one of the reasons why we recommend you space out your ketamine sessions, so that you give yourself the time and space to integrate your insights from each individual session. Spend that time instead with your coach, or therapist, or loved ones integrating. Typically, the day of your ketamine session may feel somewhat confusing given what you just experienced. It is usually the day after, and up to about a week after, that you’ll integrate the most deeply. But again, we encourage you to take as long as you want or need to integrate.

Written by Dr. Hillary Lin, M.D.
Dr. Hillary Lin, M.D. is a board certified physician and graduate of Stanford University (B.S., M.D., and residency training). She has obtained post-graduate training with the Polaris Institute for ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. Dr. Lin additionally has an extensive background in health startups, research, and the clinical treatment of mental health patients.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. If you are in a life-threatening situation, call the National Suicide Prevention Line at +1 (800) 273-8255, call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.
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